Two minutes into reading the first post, I decided to take on some of the items "Ally" was doing for a month. Not all, but some of the items. I decided to switch it up a bit. I also decided to ask everyone that posts on here to respond to these questions. I think that will be cool.
My Responses:
- The meaning of your blog name. Responded here.
- What nickname do you have and how did you get it. I don't have a nickname. Oh wait, I do. Rod calls me "NERD". I will let him explain. :-)
- A habit you wish you didn't have. Not putting things back where I found it. It's funny,... at work and in general I am really organized/ neat but when it comes to my home... let's just say I struggle. I hate cleaning. I am working hard at changing that. :-)
- Your favorite movies. Love Jones, The Karate Kit {Old/New}, The Prince of Pursia
- Your favorite place you have traveled to. Fort Lauderdale, San Diego, Cozemel, Belize {to name a few}
- Your favorite TV Shows. Grey's Anatomy, Nikita, Dancing with the Stars, American Idol {love/hate relationship}, The Vampire Diaries
- Your latest purchase. Engagement Party outfit
- Your pet peeves. Nicknames {Ha!!!}
- Your favorite hobbies. Clay florals/ Bridal Makeup {not a hobby but my business}, photograpy
- Something you crave a lot. Laffy Taffy, Welch's Fruit Snacks, and ice cream {which reminds me, I need to cut back} :-)
- Your favorite place to eat. Landon's, Orient Express
- What's in your purse. My makeup case, wallet, deodorant {because you never know when you will leave your house without putting it on}, keys
- Your guilty pleasure. Youtube {my fiance got me hooked!!!}, Project Wedding
- Something that is important to you. Friends and Family {I have a small group of friends because I have such a large family}
- Your 3 favorite songs. Here and Now ~ Luther Vandross {Never gets old} - When I think about my wedding day {it won't be one of the songs}, In the Midst of it All ~ Yolanda Adams - When I'm in turmoil, and all of the Hidden Beach R&B/ HIP HOP Remixes - When I want to relax.
- Best concert that you have been to. New Edition {all of them}, Genuwine, and KC & Jo Jo {they were all on one stage... back, to back, to back} The best concert ever!!!
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